My name is Janna Haider. I’m a PhD candidate in the History Department at the University of California, Santa Barbara.

Exam fields in US Legal History, US Borderlands History, South Asian Nationalisms, and Asian American Studies. Advanced to candidacy in September 2022. I’m currently available for expert reads, invited talks, and consultations.

a tightly-cropped selfie of a Pakistani American woman with long dark hair.

I study early twentieth century migration from British India to the United States, and contact with the legal infrastructure of both US immigration law and British Empire sedition law.

After earning my MA in South Asian Studies from the University of Washington, I joined the UCSB History Department to begin a dissertation project that examines the Ghadar Party, race-making, and state suppression of activism.

Expert Reads and Consultation

I am available for expert reads on books and articles related to late nineteenth and early twentieth century US history for a popular audience. My first expert read project will be published in Spring 2023.

Labor Organizing

I am available to speak on organizing strikes and protests, including trainings on police liaising and crowd deescalation. I was on the Bargaining Team for UAW Local 2865, the union representing Academic Student Employees at the University of California, for the 2022 contract cycle.


I have taught courses in the the introductory US History series, in Modern Middle Eastern History, in World History since 1000 CE, in US Legal and Constitutional History, and in historicizing the contemporary moment in the US.

A Pakistani American woman with dark hair, sunglasses, a black t-shirt, and jeans poses in front of the "welcome to California" sign on the California-Oregon state line

Currently, I am conducting dissertation work on naturalization and denaturalization, on the development of the US white supremacist construction of race, and on the British Empire’s suppression of insurrection.

A Pakistani American woman in a white dress and an open graduation robe, cap, and master's hood smiles at something off camera

MA South Asian Studies, University of Washington, 2019